Saraswati Puja .
- 22 June, 2020
On this Day all the girls decorate the entire campus and offer Puja to the God of Education. This day provides them with the much needed relief from studies.
It is a long established fact that reader distracted by the the readable content off page looking at its layout point.
On this Day all the girls decorate the entire campus and offer Puja to the God of Education. This day provides them with the much needed relief from studies.
Doctors from various reknowned hospitals arrange clinics for the children and do thorough medical check up of each one of them and provide them with medicines and supplements .
Independence Day is a special occasion, not only for the residents , but even for the patrons of SPCI. All of them gather in the courtyard for the flag hoisting ceremony.
These are special occasions for the residents of SPCI. They bid adieu to their friends and head back home to spend the festive holidays with their immediate family